Use the features from the future with Teftera.com
To use all you need - Login and discover. Free almost
anonymous registration needed.
The following list of features may be is not complete, because of active development. There are most important perspective for you and your security.
- Free Video/Audo calls - unlimited time.
- Blog - Personal Blog or your mission - create for free.
- Read and/or post news. RSS reader for a lot of popular web sites. you can add your for free.
- Make your private groups or join to existing public one. Very similar as most modern PIM apps.
- Decentralized - you can talk with many other servers - private messages, private or public chat rooms and explore news.
- End to end encryption of messages, thaks to OMEMO support.
- You need only username and password to choose for this network.
Do not forget the main chat rule - be honest! Respect
to everyone who want to be free and use free as speech.
Do not flame. Do not abuse. Raport to admins if you are
Discover News
VA lot of news feeds are waiting to be discovered. Register
Make video calls
Call with video to your friends or family! Register
Make your blog
Make your profile public and share your link worldwide. Your place is your blog! Register
Follow your friends
You can follow your Movim's friends right here! Such as all modern social networks. Register
Check our Documentation
We hope every answer that you are looking for is in our Wiki or Documentation

Android with Firefox
Movim on Firefox Context menu

Movim with PWA
Teftera/Movim with Chrome on Android as PWA App

Teftera/Movim Video call
Video call on Android smartphones