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Версия от 22:44, 12 ноември 2012

�Growing a Church Through Unconventional Evangelism� FROM MINISTRYWIRE.ORG WWW.MINISTRYWIRE.ORG/EVANGELISM/GROWING-A-CHURCTHROUGH- UNCONVENTIONAL-EVANGELISM top 10 free rpg games android Lead generation is essential for the growth of any church. While conventional evangelism is essential, it�s also critical to be creative when your are evangelizing to your community. Evangelism simply means to create awareness or to spread a message. However, the problem with current evangelism with the church is that it has become routine. When you speak about evangelism, the majority of people tend to think of either door-knocking or sending out mass postcards during an evangelistic series. There is obviously a problem with that considering that there are literally thousands of ways to evangelize, especially on a small budget. As you read on, I have laid out numerous way to get you to start thinking out-of-the-box of conventional evangelism and for $100 it won�t break a churches budget. How To Read The Data Under �Unconventional Evangelism� you will see �results�. These results are based upon a statistical measurement called �Law of Averages� which states that whatever you do there is a 10% success rate. For example, �Law of Averages� would state that out of 100 doors that you knock on, 10 of your doors people will answer you and out of those 10 you will receive 1 that will be successful. Although there are a number of factors involved in this such as the amount of saturation with a particular type of evangelism, the law in itself is standard and effective at gauging a success rate. Conventional Evangelism: Postcards: Have less then a 1% success rate. While you are able to mass distribute them via postal mail extremely quick, there are also high costs involved with a low rate of return. Door Knocking: Door knocking is one of the most lucrative evangelism efforts that you can make � both for yourself and those who�s door you are knocking on. However, you only have a 10% chance of having real interaction and a 1% chance of generating a bible study. Friendship Evangelism: By far the best way to show Christ to others. However, friendship evangelism can take anywhere from 3 months to several years to see any impact. top rpg games android phones Glow Tracts: They are cheap and extremely mobile. However, conventional use of them is to present Glow Tracts when knocking on doors. This is turn gives the tracts the same 1% or lower rate of return. Unconventional Evangelism Business Cards: business cards are cheap and durable, costing about $0.02 per card ($20 per 1,000). Due to how cheap they are, they make a perfect disposable mass distribution method. By distributing the business cards at grocery stores, gas stations, the library, etc. � You are able to generate large awareness with little cost. Result: $100 = 5,000 Business Cards 5,000 x 10% = 500 500 x 10% = 50 Bible Study Interests Chalk: Normally known as a child�s toy, this is another cheap and disposable source to bring awareness and generate bible study interests. Chalk in effect, acts as a small billboard to foot traffic that passes by. The cost of a Crayola 52 Piece Chalk Pack is $5.35. Result: $100 = 18 Chalk Packs / 936 Pieces of Chalk 936 Pieces x 2 Messages per Chalk Stick = 1,872 1,872 Messages x 25 Who see each message = 46,800 46,800 People x 10% = 4,680 4,680 x 10% = 468 Bible Study Interests Free Ads: The internet is a wonderful thing, and has enabled us to do things that weren�t possible to evangelist�s 20 years ago. What many seldom know is that there are a million and one ways to use the internet to generate bible study interests. Many major city, news, radio, and event websites allow you to display your event online for free. Example: inurl:submit+event �lansing, mi� By placing that in a Google search, it will display all of the website�s that allow you to submit your event to their site. For the surrounding Lansing, MI area, Google returns 479,000 results. resources A few example sites are: � Craigslist.com � Statenews.com � myflr.com (Family Life Radio) � Lansingstatejournal.com � michigan.org � mlive.com � yahoo.com (yahoo events) Result: $0.00 = 10 Event Submissions 10 Events x 30 viewers = 300 viewers 300 x 10% = 30 30 x 10% = 3 Bible Study Interests Facebook: This is a pivotal tool for mass awareness and generating interests. By posting up bible study requests, and using your timeline banner as a resource of evangelism, your are able to reach a large number of people in a very short amount of time. E-mail Footers: How many e-mails do you send out a week? How about a month. If you send out 4 e-mails a day, that is equivalent to 1,460 e-mails per year. With this many emails going back and fourth, why wouldn�t you use it as a tool for evangelism? By placing a small message to generate interest in a bible study, this gives those 1,400 people a real opportunity to say �Yes�. Yard Signs: The average billboard in the state cost�s $5,000 per month. Why? Because it reaches a large number of people each day. Unlike billboards, yard signs also reach both foot traffic and vehicles but at a percentage of the cost. Result: Church Marketing $3 = 1 Sign 1 Sign x 50 people per day = 1,400 people per month 1,400 x 10% = 140 140 x 10% = 14 Bible Study Interests Per Year = 182 Interests Pens: The average pen touches an average of 7 hands in it�s lifetime. With pen�s cost�s starting at just $0.21 per pen, with just $100 you can reach 4,690 people. Results: $100 = 670 pens (estimate) 670 pens = 4,690 hands 4,690 x 10% = 469 469 x 10% = 46 Bible Study Interests MORE INFO AT MINISTRYWIRE.ORG WWW.MINISTRYWIRE.ORG/EVANGELISM/GROWING-A-CHURCTHROUGH- UNCONVENTIONAL-EVANGELISM