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(Нова страница: I was invited to a party the other night but the problem was I didn't know the party hosts, and to be honest, I really just did not want to go at all. The fact of the ...)
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Версия от 07:12, 2 август 2012

I was invited to a party the other night but the problem was I didn't know the party hosts, and to be honest, I really just did not want to go at all.

The fact of the matter is that I have been asked to go to functions just like this in the past where I don’t know the hosts, but with my girl friend pushing me, of course I end up in attendance.

So why do I never want to go?

I had, in my mind, created a false sense of fear of attending…which was not at all based in reality.

Whenever I thought about the party I pictured myself standing there to the side of the room, earnestly trying to discover something to talk about - and of course no matter how desperately hard I tried, I struggled to make a connection. I never was able to find something that I could talk to other people easily about, the conversations awkward, I always seemed to have an unenjoyable time.

As sad as it sounds, that is how I always envisioned my party experiences.

Haven't most of us, at least at some point in time, felt like this?

These are the kinds of parties you go to where you think to yourself you’d actually rather be trapped at the dentist office for a week than going through this torture….

But what if I had tried to simply picture and expect a different and better outcome?

So instead of being a loner, talking to no one in the corner…imagine if I had expected to be surrounded by wonderful people that were truly interested in what I had to say and contribute, fully engaging in conversation, while my favorite music played in the background, completely relaxed and calm, enjoying the life experience?

How about if I had expected an experience more in tune with the above mentioned party, do you think I may have had an easier time attending the party, and possibly even wanted to attend the gathering?

The House Flipping Mindset Revealed

Imagine being able to change this type of perception not just with regards to parties…but also when you go into your first house flipping deal?

Let’s say you have worked hard in order to begin your career in real estate and you have finally found the perfect property to buy. All of the signs point to yes. You've finally found a fair price, you have good financing, you know how much renovations will run and you know for sure how much you can get for the final home.

But you imagine everything going wrong, the house sitting on the market for months, as you sit there, helpless, watching your profit deteriorate…

What are your prospects of success if you continue with this mental attitude?

I'll tell you right now plain and simple-you don't stand a chance.

Instead, try picturing the house selling for more more than your worst case scenario, in less than two weeks, with you walking away with a very tidy profit for you and your joint venture partners as well as your financers.

This is the mindset you must adopt. We like to call it the House Flipping Mindset.

This is not a wild theory that things will go silky smooth just because you PERCEIVE it will...far from it. You really need an awesome strategy and gameplan of steps that lessens the chance of a poor deal - so you can place yourself in a spot to receive value and pleasure in reaping profits instead of thinking of the pain.

And above all to achieve the house flipping mindset, once you have done all that you need to then expect success in your thoughts and think only of all the good things to come from the deal.

This is the house flipping mindset, the positive mental attitude, and the first critical step to house flipping success.

How to Get Started Flipping Houses online