Swiss Painter and Dadaist Kinetic Musician, a Metamechanics Sculptor - Jean Tinguely (1925-1991)

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Jean Tinguely, a sydney painters and an artist, was created on May 22, 1925, in Fribourg, Switzerland, to a candy packer. The exact same year, he and his mom moved to Basel, where he finished his training. In 1940, Jean got an as a designer and enrolled himself in the evening classes at the Kunstschule. His teacher at the art school introduced him to the 'Dadaist' collages of Kurt Schwitters, which left a lasting impression on the artist. In 1944, Jean enrolled in the Institution of Art and Crafts at Basel. During this time, he displayed his enthusiasm for electromechanics. He'd hang different mechanical things, fitted with electric motors, to the roof and switch them at large speeds.Jean is well-known for his 'Dadaist Kinetic Art,' 'metamechanics' sculptors. His "Homage to Nyc (1959 )," a machine that ruined itself when set in to motion, may be the most illustrious of his works. The partially destructed machine is at screen at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. Nevertheless, Tinguely's "Study for a Finish of the World No. 2 (1962 )" properly destructed it self in leading of a audience at Las Vegas.In 1952, Jean and his first spouse, Eva Aeppli, moved to France. In 1954, his first exhibition was held by him at Galerie Arnaud in Paris. Quickly the artist was mentioned among Parisian avant-garde. In 1955, he achieved Niki de Saint Phalle, with whom he developed a detailed connection. In 1960, Jean and Niki divorced their spouses. Exactly the same year, Jean achieved Francis Dufrene, Arman, Raymond Hains, Yves Klein, Pierre Restany, Jacques de Villegle, Martial Raysse, and Daniel Spoerri. Together each of them produced a group named 'Nouveau Realisme (New Realists) .' In the very year, Tinguely visited Ny, the then centre of 'Abstract Expressionism,' and made friends with a few major artists there.Upon his come back to Paris in 1971, Jean Tinguely committed his good friend and colleague, Niki de Saint Phalle. The couple worked together to setup the sculpture, "Hon," in 1966, at Moderna Museet, in Stockholm. Jean's "Machines" was displayed at the Museum of Modern Art (1966), New York; World Exhibition (1967), Montreal; and again at the Museum of Modern Art (1968 ).Tinguely designed the statue, "Chaos No. 1" in the Civic Mall, Columbus, USA, in 1975 and in 1978, finished first of his series of "Meta-Harmonie." Jean, along with Niki de Saint Phalle, also created the feature, "La Fontaine Stravinsky (1981 )," in Paris. The artist continued to create pictures, sculptures, and numerous fountains. 'Nachtschattengewachse' was his last exposition, held at Kunsthaus, Vienna. Jean Tinguely died on August 30, 1991, in Inselspital, Bern. Tinguely's laughter, draw, and sincerity won him great reputation, and his 'metamechanics' left viewers spellbound and bemused.