The Complete Hyips Manually A book review758356

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The e-book 'The Complete Hyips Manual', is an Investment Guide that claims it can teach you how to get better results of Hyip Investing. However, one should always be very careful when joining the high risk Hyip Industry tp avoid being scammed.

HYIP stands for High Yield Investment Program. A well-diversified Hyip Investment Portfolio will let you earn Monthly a 30% ROI (Return On Investment) or even more. But high returns come with high risks. Hyips are no exception, since almost all of them are Ponzi schemes/Scams. It means money collected from new investors is used to pay interest and withdrawals to prior investors. If the Hyip doesn�t recruit new investors, the scheme will collapse� or if the Hyip operator disappears with the investors� money (Hyip Scam).

Some Hyip characteristics:

-extremely high interest rates

-all transactions are made online

-low entry level (you can start investing in Hyips with just a few dollars)

-short life span (from a few days to a few months, sometimes an exception that last longer)

-little or no details about their management, location or activities

-usually they have incentives to recruit new investors


�The Complete Hyips Manual� (a 150-page ebook in PDF format) claims to be a guide that teaches you how to make money of Hyips.� The author, an experienced Hyip Investor, explains the technics how to spot the Hyips in which to invest, what Hyip cons to avoid and how to decide the right moment to get in and out.

Obviously this won�t work for every Hyip, but that�s why diversifying your investment portfolio seems to be so important.

Sure you may find some of this information in Hyip forums and monitors, but it will cost you a lot of time to collect that quantitiy of information. Besides, it is interesting that the book also includes some of the authors� strategies. All these strategies are based on a well-diversified investment portfolio according to the investors� profile.

The information is up-to-date and very well detailed, including illustrations and graphics to make it fully understandable.

It includes also a (too long?) chapter dedicated to �Online Safety�, which undoubtedly is important in this world. right here