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The International Monetary Fund recently reported that the global economic recovery is weakening yet the number of people out of work in the UK has continued to decline. The Office for National Statistics stated that UK employment stands at almost 30 million with unemployment falling from 8.1% in May 2012 to 7.9% in August 2012; Where employment is rising those already employed are seeing no rise in their annual salary leaving thousands of homeowners struggling to hold onto their homes even with current mortgage Interest rates frozen at an all-time record low. Halifax one of the UK's largest mortgage lenders monthly survey suggests that the average price plunged by 0.4% in September compared to the previous month. Home owners who have purchased their property in the last few years and are now looking to sell are in a tricky situation as house prices continue to fall. Nationwide confirmed Halifax’s finding stating that the average house price in the UK is now £159,486 and is 1.2% lower than a year ago. A Housing market economist at the Halifax bank said" We expect house prices to be broadly unchanged over the rest of this year and into 2013. A number of lenders, including the Halifax, Bank of Ireland and the Co-operative, increased their SVR’s earlier in the year and this in October 2012 Santander SVR mortgage rise comes into effect where thousands of their customers will see their repayments increase. Nick Brister a senior case advisor at the Reading based debt Advice Company Settle-My-Debt commented. “It’s a tough time for homeowners who have been hit with the recent rise in the SVR of some lenders and the consequences could be that they may be forced into increasing their debts such as loans and credit cards could rise as a result” Settle-My-Debt recommends homeowners struggling should contact the company as soon as they feel they cannot keep up with the repayments before problems get worse. Settle-My-Debt has a team of dedicated professionals who asses the situation with a sensitive approach. They understand your situation and help remove the worry, stress, and advise how to settle your credit card or loanso you are on the right path to financial recovery. Consumers eligible for debt settlement or debt reduction who may look at seeking lower interest rates or turning to a debt management plan, which in some cases could lead to homeowners being worse off or seeing no change at all could start seeing the benefits in a matter of weeks if they opted for debt settlement or debt reduction.