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Chiropractic Treatments Effective in Treating Drug use

The word "chiropractic" gets its' name from the Greek words chiros and praktikos meaning "done by hand". Chiropractors diagnose and treat the misalignment of the spine along with the resulting mechanical disorders which affect the neurological system and hinder good health.

In 1895, Daniel David Palmer (Father of Chiropractic) stated that 95% of all medical problems could possibly be treated, or even prevented with spinal adjustments. This statement is dependant on his theory that misaligned vertebrae (subluxations) impede the function of the nervous system thus leading to lots of health issues.

Chiropractors locate these subluxations and, through gentle adjustments, restore your bodys normal functions. With all the vertebra available, the nerve passages open and regulatory impulses are free to pass allowing your bodys central nervous system to heal itself. This technique goes straight away to the root with the problem. No mask symptoms like addictive medications often do.

A large-scale human study, dealing specifically using the division of chemical addictions, affirmed the validity and effectiveness of chiropractic adjustments. Conducted by Dr. Jay Holder using the University of Miami School of Medicine and the http://shinwellness.com, the research showed dramatic results. The 18-month project revealed that those patients receiving these special treatments saw an almost 100% retention rate. The rate of retention, or the length of time somebody stays in treatment, is important because completion of a well-established and supported program assures a higher recovery rate.

The torque release technique, produced by Dr. Holder, treats addiction by taking out the subluxations band realigning the vertebrae. This, Dr. Holder asserts, "removes the interference while using normal functioning from the neurological system." In the event the spine is misaligned, it interrupts the succession of chemical changes required to maintain health insurance well-being. When the natural flow is interrupted, it results in what Dr. Holder calls "reward deficiency syndrome" and the entire body seeks the sensation of well being elsewhere.

Even mainstream psychologists are seeing value of chiropractic medicine. A July 14, 2006 issue of Psychology Today online ran a story subtitled "Beating addiction might take an additional nudge in the chiropractor." It chronicles the success story for an individual who completed treatment in the facility that employs the Torque Release Technique and experiences an extremely higher rate of success in addiction treatment compared to national average for such centers.

The Chiropractor seeks to help remedy anybody in general. The principal goal from the use of any strategy for addictions is making the body whole, reducing stress and lifting depression, and restoring natural flow of brain chemicals vital to the recovery of an addiction, without substituting one drug for one more. Western medicine, now more than ever before, recognizes the worthiness in treating addictions, particularly without additional chemicals and mood altering drugs. The bottom line is in making use of holistic medicine methods.