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Why I Bought TWO Lighted signs in Denver For My Family See our signs on Trying to decide between these two may seem confusing, but there are advantages that LED has over Neon that can help make your decision making easier. After all you want the best sign for your buck, right? To be able to make the best of the LS, you should get them from quality online stores. Other than reliable products you will also be able get the most cost effective and reliable solutions. There are a number of online stores which offer these products and enable you to stand on your feet by attracting more people to your business. You should opt for the latest LED signs so that you get to benefit from the latest technology and thus perk up your profits in a perfect way. Other types of signs that have been used by businesses are metal signs, neon signs, machine printed signs, and plastic signs. The height of the character will determine the number of characters that can be displayed at 1 time across the sign. For instance, an 8' wide cabinet with 18" characters will only allow for 5 characters to be displayed across at one time, forcing you to scroll your message and limiting its effectiveness. Other than their main role of assisting you in your marketing efforts, LS are also used for additional purposes such as welcoming guests outside an institute or using it for other greeting. Not only this, these signs can be used for personal reasons other than business success. You can use them to greet your loved ones on special occasions such as Christmas and birthdays. Have you thought about why neon lights are commonly used for signs on the street or in bars, restaurants, and other businesses? It is because the light is basically a tube full of gas, with electrodes at the ends. As such, it needs no filament like the incandescent bulb, or fluorescent coating like that of fluorescent bulbs. Neon tubes are easily bent into any desired shape. They can actually be indefinite in length also, but since they are much cheaper to replace when broken, people use shorter tubes. 1) size: get the biggest sign you can fit, and/or, afford. Size definitely matters. That's not an up-sell, it's all about visibility and readability. For effective window display, your sign should have a character, or letter, height of at least 10-12 inches. If you have to compromise anywhere, do it on width. A 40 inch wide sign with a 15 inch height is vastly more readable, and thus a better option, than one with a 60 inch width where the height is only 8, or 10 inches, or less. Resources: