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Brighton resident Marina Greenlee's love of art landed her work applying makeup in the local salon when she was 18-years-old.Greenlee left a job with MAC Cosmetics about five years ago to start her very own makeup studio. Now, at 32-years-old, she gives a selection of services, including bridal makeup.

"While I was with MAC, lots of girls would wander in asking if we did brides and wedding makeup," Greenlee said. "There initially were only five people with the counter and nobody really liked to undertake brides because the device was hectic at the time from the wedding - that it was kozmetika intimidating. I liked the process, thus always said I'd personally do it."Before long, Greenlee began getting referrals for bridal makeup as well as the hours did start to conflict with working retail with the cosmetics company.

"It absolutely was a very hard decision in making," Greenlee said about leaving MAC Cosmetics. "I started just doing a couple of weddings a week. That must be I love to do - it's actually a big party, it is on location and it's really a dekorativna kozmetika really cool experience to become a part of. To undertake a bride's makeup and still have her walk down the aisle then start to see the pictures later, they (the brides) look so happy as well as it an extremely good feeling. It's wonderful being a component of this type of special moment."Greenlee recently leased space in downtown Brighton use a professional atmosphere where clients comes for test runs prior to marriage ceremony. Dressed-up Make-Up Studio and Lash Bar pripravky na akne is situated at 213 W. High street, coincidentally located to your neighbors towards the White Dress bridal store which simply opened last month.