How to Clean Up Your iTunes Library With an iTunes Organizer

от Тефтера
Направо към: навигация, търсене

Are you finding it difficult to clean up your iTunes library? Are you afraid you will delete the wrong files and lose all of your iTunes library to silly mistakes? There are ways to fix your entire library in just a matter of minutes.

How To Clean Up Your iTunes Library

There are only two possible options for fixing an iTunes library. You can either download an iTunes organizer to do the job for you or you could sort everything out manually.

Sorting out all of your albums and songs by hand can take a very long time. How long would depend on the quantity of songs that you have. You will also have the repeat the whole process every time you upload or download new songs. If you sort everything out by hand you will also run the risk of deleting the wrong files, this can make your original problem so much greater.

If you go with the first option and download an iTunes organizer then you will save a huge amount of time and wont have to worry about having an untidy iTunes library even after uploading new songs.

How An iTunes Organizer Can Help

There are a large amount of iTunes organizers out there. It is important that you know what to look out for in order to get the best deal. All of the best iTunes organizer software works in the same way using a simple three step process.

1. Your entire library will be scanned for mistakes, errors and misspellings.

2. When the scan is complete all of your problems should be listed. These problems will be duplicate songs, misspelled song titles and album names and missing artwork. You will then be given the option to remove or repair whatever you select.

3. The option you go with will be applied to your entire library.

With a good iTunes fixer this process will only take a few minutes. It can be done anytime you upload new music to your library. There is a program online that can be downloaded and tested for free called Rinse. This software is one of the most popular iTunes organizers around as it was developed by Real Networks, the team that is responsible for the Real Player and more recently Superpass. Rinse has a very good reputation across the globe as it is simple to use and offers a free trial.