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People trying to find instant heartburn relief will usually choose medications. The way to said continuously if you would like fast results, utilizing the right meds will be the only way for doing that. But it is also been said (consistantly) that medications for heartburn feature many disturbing adverse reactions. Overtime, these medications may affect http://www.omeprazolesideeffects.com/tag/zegerid/page/5/ the different organs of one's body concise them to already lose their functionality. Making it not surprising why some heartburn sufferers will be looking for a different way to cope with heartburn, the one which does not require medications whenever you can. In actual fact yes , it is possible to get heartburn relief without medications so before taking an antacid after meals, try some of these natural cures for heartburn:

Chew gum thirty minutes after consuming. Research that gum energizes the production of saliva that being alkaline 

http://helpingeye.com/archives/2012/02/04/omeprazole-side-effects-dallas-funeral-home-franchise-opportunities-in-florida in the wild helps neutralize the acid inside the esophagus. Lots of people who chew gum after meals find themselves bloated, however, making heartburn worse. Generally when one swallows an excessive amount air during this process. Then when gum chewing, undertake it slowly being careful to not be in an excessive amount air. Drink a glass of water (8 ounces) combined with a tablespoon of sodium hydrogen carbonate. Sodium hydrogen carbonate http://www.healthshopuk.co.uk/prilosec-is-a-drug-you-can-get-over-the-counter.html can be an antacid, and being such, offers heartburn relief. Keep your eyes open, though - saleratus when mixed with water could cause the fewer esophageal sphincter or LES to spread out up which will in return cause regurgitation with the stomach contents on the esophagus.